Research and development aimed at creating prints for the women’s collection.
All posts tagged “drawing”

ATELIER-01 print collection
Research and development aimed at creating prints for the women’s collection.

Andrea Incontri, SS 2014
fashion and textile designer – womenswear design director. Research and development of collection inspirations. Design of clothing and knitwear, development of prints, embroideries and fabrics. ______________________________________

Andrea Incontri, Prefall 2014
fashion e textile designer – responsabile creativa abbigliamento donna. Ricerca e sviluppo collezione abbigliamento donna. Moodboard di colezione, ricerca di trend e materiali innovativi, disegni dei modelli di collezione. Ricerca e sviluppo lavorazioni paricolari per tessuti, ricami e maglieria. Creazioni di stampe per la collezione […]

Andrea Incontri, SS 2013
fashion & textile designer - Creative Manager womenswear collection. Ricerca e sviluppo della collezione femminile. Creazione di stampe e ricami attraverso illustrazioni e disegni. Ricerca creativa e coordinamento lookbook e materiale grafico. Research and development of womanswear collection. Creation of prints and embroidery for the collection through […]

Andrea Incontri, FW 2013-14
fashion and textile designer – womenswear design director. Research and development of womanswear collection. Creation of prints and embroidery for the collection through illustrations and drawings. Creative research for graphic material and lookbook. ______________________________________